Speaker Application
Speaker Overview
The Self Storage Association (SSA) needs your expertise to help us create exceptional education. SSA’s Conferences and other educational events are the premier events for self storage industry – and have been for many years. We are looking for speakers who can speak to the latest trends and most pressing issues in the industry, and train attendees how to maximize their resources to strengthen and grow their businesses. Do you have a new idea or a new twist on an old idea that would help self storage owners and managers examine and evaluate their current practices? Would you like to discuss a unique solution to help members with issues that they face in their day-to-day operations? If so, we’d like to hear from you.
We are seeking the very best, most relevant and most thought-provoking ideas pertinent to the industry. Our goal is to offer attendees the knowledge and tools to do their jobs more effectively and to make their organizations more successful through a broad range of sessions. This is where you come in.

Speaker Expectations
Speakers selected for our conference are expected to follow all deadlines and standards set in place by SSA or any of the state associations we manage. Presentations cannot be sales pitches. If you are a supplier of products or services, please be sure your session content is based upon a relevant topic, concept or idea, not on one of your products, services or proprietary information.
In addition to the SSA national conferences, the SSA manages events on the state level. We will keep your information on hand when planning these in the future as well. We hope that you will help us continue to make all of our events the highest quality educational experiences in the industry.
Creating an EXPERIENCE they won’t forget
Our promise is to provide exceptional experiences, a vibrant community, and essential tools that will make attendees and their organizations more successful.That means we need sessions with….
- Relevant content for an experienced audience that stimulates thinking and provides new approaches
- Content which is delivered in an engaging way and draws on the experience of the attendees
- Application exercises that involve the participants
- Examples and case studies of real success (and successful failures!)
- Practical tools that can be applied immediately in their companies
Have questions? Contact Ginny Stengel at gstengel@selfstorage.org