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Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Archive by tag: managerReturn

Self Storage Industry Hiring Survey

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Self Storage Industry Hiring Survey
During the Spring of 2019, SSA and eTest partnered to develop a survey targeting the current status of hiring and retention in the self storage industry. Data was collected from nearly 500 participants of which approximately 20% were facility managers, 25% were facility owner operators, 23% were multiple owner operators and over 15% were either regional or national companies.
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| Categories: Industry Data, Legal, Marketing, Operations | View Count: (2839)

Need Better Employees? Read This.

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Need Better Employees? Read This.
If you are currently looking to hire, I am going to walk you through four critical steps you should consider when hiring adequate and successful talent for your company.
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SBAR— Better Communication; Better Solutions

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SBAR— Better Communication; Better Solutions
“Our moving cart is missing.” Thanks – Manager This is an actual email I received a few years ago, passing on the message, taking no action, and handing me the problem. The manager of our multi-million-dollar storage facility believed this email was the solution to the problem they faced.
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| Categories: Operations | View Count: (3683)
The Characteristics of a Good Store Manager
It cannot be understated how valuable a good manager is to the success of a self-storage facility. It can literally be the difference between that business surviving or not. If you’ve been in the storage business for a while, you know that employees can run the gambit between highly effective and not effective.
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| Categories: Operations | View Count: (5315)

Meeting the Talent Acquisition Challenge

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Meeting the Talent Acquisition Challenge
We’ve all seen the headlines… •    “Why Are Good Managers So Hard To Find?” •    “U.S. Unemployment Hits Lowest Level Since 2001” •    “Why Are Millennials So Hard To Manage?” The challenge is now bigger than ever. Finding, hiring, and developing top talent is more difficult than it has ever been.
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| Categories: Operations | View Count: (3747)
Always Be Closing – How to Empower your Self-Storage Managers to Close the Sale
You’ve done everything you can to get your storage facility in peak condition. It’s impeccably clean, the security systems are in place and functional, and your marketing, online and otherwise, is up and running.
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| Categories: Marketing, Operations | View Count: (7878)
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