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Saturday, September 07, 2024
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SSA Blog

©2024 by the Self Storage Association (SSA). SSA and SSA Magazine are trademarks of the Self Storage Association, Inc. Opinions expressed by authors and other contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the SSA, publisher or editors, nor do they represent the policy or positions of the SSA. Information contained within articles should not be construed as the primary basis for legal or investment decisions.

Archive by tag: legalReturn

Old Laws New Technology

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Old Laws New Technology
The utilization of old laws to challenge modern technological practices presents growing concerns for online businesses, including storage operators with online platforms.
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| Categories: Legal, Operations, Legislative / Regulatory, Cyber Security | View Count: (1634)

Old Mattresses Hurting Your Lien Sales?

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Old Mattresses Hurting Your Lien Sales?
What do you do with an old mattress in a unit that must be auctioned?
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| Categories: Legal, Operations, Self Storage Vendors | View Count: (2625)

The Unsigned Contract

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The Unsigned Contract
What is the effect of an unsigned rental agreement? In a nutshell, a judge won’t enforce the paragraph you hoped would win your lawsuit and will instead declare that very provision unenforceable.
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| Categories: Legal, Marketing, Operations, Legislative / Regulatory | View Count: (2907)

Should You be Doing Online Auctions?

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Should You be Doing Online Auctions?
It is certainly something to think about if you are not doing your auctions online. The primary value of online auctions is flexibility.
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Robo Marketing

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Robo Marketing
Self storage operators considering using automated calls or texts to market their facility should be careful when choosing a service provider. Your company may be strictly liable for your service provider’s Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) violations.
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| Categories: Legal, Marketing, Operations | View Count: (4640)
SSA Announces 2023 Legislative Agenda Updated
The SSA has a robust legislative agenda planned for 2023. In conjunction with state associations, SSA intends to pursue lien law amendments in California, the District of Columbia, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Virginia, Texas, and Wisconsin. Also, SSA intends to pursue a self storage lien law in Alaska – the last remaining state without such a law.
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| Categories: Industry Data, Legal | View Count: (4850)
Minimum Wage Increases Impact Storage Industry
Half of the country ushered in the New Year with higher minimum wages. In total, 25 states boosted their minimum hourly pay requirement in 2022. For self storage employers operating in multiple states, keeping up with the various minimum wage rate changes can be a formidable task.
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A Busy 2020 for SSA Legislative Activity

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A Busy 2020 for SSA Legislative Activity
2020 is another busy year for SSA’s legislative efforts. Below is brief overview of the offensive legislation that SSA and affiliated state associations are pursuing, as well as measures we are working to defeat.
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| Categories: Legal, Operations, Legislative / Regulatory | View Count: (3295)

SSA Legislative Activity 2019 - 2020

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SSA Legislative Activity 2019 - 2020
The Self Storage Association and affiliated state associations have had a busy year legislatively, with activity in more than half of the states.
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Just Get it Out of Here! Towing Abandoned Vehicles
Do you have a delinquent and abandoned vehicle left to die at your facility? Having it towed instead of trying to sell it yourself is often the best option.
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| Categories: Legal, Operations, Legislative / Regulatory | View Count: (6212)
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