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Monday, March 10, 2025
You are here : Membership / JOIN  >  Why Join SSA  >  Self Storage Legal Network



The Self Storage Association is pleased to provide SSA members exclusive access to the legal hotline services of the Self Storage Legal Network (SSLN). The SSLN is available only to SSA members and is one of the best sources available for obtaining industry related legal information. Download SSLN Member Subscription Application

The Attorneys

Attorneys D. Carlos Kaslow and Scott Zucker, whose combined experience in the self storage industry exceeds 50 years, operate the SSLN. Kaslow co-wrote the authoritative book on drafting self storage agreements; SSA's "Rental Agreement Handbook" and Zucker authored "Legal Topics in Self Storage." They understand the self storage business and believe there is a better way to provide you with quick access to the specialized legal information you need.


Scott Zucker                 Carlos Kaslow

How The SSLN Subscription Works

Annual subscription rates for the SSLN begin at $500 yearly for operators running up to two facilities. If you run three to five locations or operate in more than one state the annual subscription is $750. If you have ten facilities the annual subscription is $1,000 plus $75 for each facility in excess of ten.

As a SSLN member subscriber, when you or one of your authorized employees has a question concerning self storage operations, you simply call or fax SSLN your question. The SSLN is staffed from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday and will provide a response to your inquiries by the next business day. They will thoroughly discuss your questions and there is no limit on the number of calls or questions.

How many times have you had a question about "lien laws" or "rental agreements" or "partial payments?" Almost every decision you make regarding these self storage issues will have legal repercussions if the improper course is followed. With the SSLN, you can run your questions past an expert before making a decision. The SSLN is a legal and operations information service and does not provide subscribers with legal services.

If you would like to take advantage of this service, simply download and fill out the member subscription application, and return it with payment. You may not be able to employ a legal department, but you can have unlimited access to one of the world's most recognized knowledge centers on self storage law. For more information on the SSLN, please call the SSA at (703) 575-8000.

SSA Announces New SSLN Affiliate Plan

How The SSLN Affiliate Subscription Works

The Self Storage Legal Network Affiliate Plan is designed specifically for the smaller storage operator that is not a member of the national Self Storage Association but is a member in good standing of an affiliated state Self Storage Association or is a licensee or franchisee of a member of the national Self Storage Association.

The Plan is also designed for operators with one to three facilities. Pricing for this Plan is reduced to make it affordable for smaller operators.

The SSLN service provides storage operators with access to the legal information that they need to respond to day to day circumstances that may arise at their facilities and, most importantly, gives them to tools to avoid mistakes that can lead to costly lawsuits.

The Affiliate Plan provides UNLIMITED E-mail access to the SSLN for the following annual fees:

One Facility.............................................................. $250
Two Facilities ........................................................... $325
Three Facilities......................................................... $400

As an SSLN Affiliate subscriber, when you or one of your authorized employees has a question concerning self storage operations, you simply log onto the SSLN online site and ask your question. The SSLN is staffed from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Monday through Friday and will provide a response to your inquiries within two business days.  The SSLN lawyers will thoroughly address your questions and there is no limit on the number of questions you can ask.

The contact information will be sent to you upon joining the SSLN.

Download Affiliate Application

You can also  CLICK HERE to check out the many legal publications that we offer such as SSLN's Everyday Business Forms for Self Storage Operators, Answers to the 75 Most Frequently Asked Legal Questions, and Annotated Lien Law books for 29 states.

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